Sunday, January 07, 2007

Dumaguete blog versus the Dumaguete website

From it’s inception, I’ve looked at this blog as an extension of the website. Its purpose is basically twofold. I hope to use it to drive visitors to the website and also, as a way of giving those already going to the site an update as to the progress being made on the site. Thanks to the wonder folks at Google and their Analytics program, I’m able to keep track of the hits going to the blog and the website. I find it interesting that the blog keeps getting fewer hits than the website. I’m not complaining….I am happy that so many people have gone to both places but to my mind, it seems that the blog has a bit more to offer when compared to the website. I try to put something new here as often as I can. There are incremental changes being made on the site but those changes are less noticeable. I’m not able at this point to do as much on the website as I’d like. The pen pal section has become a great disappointment to me. I can’t see how I can fix it until I go to Dumaguete. I’m not happy with the photos section either. I have more photos that I could add but these are pictures of family and friends…I don’t think the average visitor would be interested in them. One of my wife’s friends in Dumaguete has promised to send new photos but he has yet to do that. I guess I could troll the Internet looking for other folk’s photos but I won’t go that route. I hope that Cathy, J.P. & I can go home around Holy Week. I’ve been in Philippines during the Christmas season and arrived there once on Easter Sunday….but I would like to be there to experience Holy Week.

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