Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Occasional server problems on the Dumaguete website

It's been brought to my attention that occasionally,when trying to get to the website an "under construction" page will come up instead of the proper page.Corey sent a screen capture to me showing me the page.This was the page that originally came up before I contracted with a web Host.I'm thinking this error page is coming up when Host Monster's servers are down. I'm going to call them ASAP to find out what the problem is.Of course, the results of that exchange will appear on this blog. ( Thanks to Corey for the heads up).

1 comment:

Corey said...

You gotta love technological advances. As things get more convenient they also get more inconvenient, if that makes sense.

Hope you find out what is wrong with the web host. Once in a while there is going to be some down time, but this has happened several times.

Good luck!