Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Internet cafes in Dumaguete

One of the more frustrating problems I've had so far in putting this site together is the overwhelming lack of response from the Internet cafes in Dumaguete.I've set aside a page on the website for promoting the cafes.I've also put on the same page a side table of blogs and websites that I thought were interesting.
I have received emails from two Internet cafes in Dumaguete; Mighty Joe and The Business Atrium. My sister-in-law has gone to several of the Internet cafes in an attempt to have the managers check out the site but that hasn't brought any responses.I've done a Google search and I can't find any active email addresses...I've found phone numbers but I'm not going to make an International long distance phone call.
So much of this would go by much better if I were there to handle it myself.Unfortunately,we're not able to go now.I guess you can't do everything over the Internet.

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