Monday, March 22, 2021



We're having a pest control man over today to combat the ants, and while he sprays inside the house, I was asked to go outside. I thought this might be a good opportunity to take my camera into the wooded area nearby. I recently spotted a Philippine Coucal and I thought I might get lucky enough to get a photo this morning.

Although I heard the distinctive cuckoo sound, I was unable to get close enough to see the bird - much less close enough to photograph.

Not wanting my outing to be a total loss, I took a few photos. Unfortunately, the only photo that I found interesting was this photo of a spider - some sort of Argiope. At first, I thought the spider was the same type as one I photographed outside my in-laws' house when I first arrived. Comparing the webs and the differences in body shape, I now believe these two are of the same species but of different genus.

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