Friday, January 22, 2021

Panda's Mango Fruit Shake

As I mentioned in an earlier blog post , the Panda Ice Cream Haus serves both a mango fruit shake and a mango ice cream shake.

In that post, I mistakenly wrote that both shakes were priced at 65 pesos. When I stopped by later to try the mango fruit shake, I saw that the fruit shake is actually only 60 pesos.

Even though the mango ice cream shake I had was very delicious, I noted that there is very little mango flavor to the shake - it's mostly vanilla.

The mango fruit shake was different - it had a wonderful mango taste. No mistaking this for any other flavor. To add even more to the delight, this shake has to be the thickest mango shake I've had. This shake was even thicker than the ice cream shake. It would not surprise me to learn that ice cream was also an ingredient. The mango pieces didn't hurt either.

All in all, a wonderful mango shake.


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