Monday, January 18, 2021

An Ice Cream Mango Shake

Note: This post was originally published at sorryalltheclevernamesaretaken on Jan.13, 2019.

Although I've passed by Panda Ice Cream Haus several times, I had not stopped in until today when I thought I'd see if mango shakes were available. On the plus side, Panda Ice Cream Haus has both mango fruit shakes and mango ice cream shakes - each costing 65 pesos. I decided that today, I'd try the mango ice cream shake and the fruit shake next time.

Another plus for the store is their utilization of metal, reusable drinking straws. I'm one of those folks who try not to use plastic straws, and an old fashioned paper straw would not hold up with this thick, creamy shake.

The shake I had was quite delicious, but I have to deduct points due to the fact that the mango shake does not taste like mango. Yes, the shake was delicious, but it had a vanilla flavor instead of mango.

I'll return soon and see if the mango fruit shake is more to my liking.

Special Note:On Google Maps, the address for Panda Ice Cream Haus is given as #3 Silliman Ave..The map location is correct, but as far as the address given, the store is actually located on Ma. Christina St..


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