Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Thanks For The "Likes".

This blog has been around since Oct. 2006' and for the most part has seen very little growth. That shouldn't come as a surprise since I haven't exactly set the blogosphere on fire with posts. As a matter of fact, I'm sorry to say, I've neglected this blog.

The original purpose of this blog was to promote my website, The original purpose of that was to help promote the city of Dumaguete.

I've recently returned to posting on this blog, along with updating the website. I've also created a Facebook page to promote the blog. I wish I had done that sooner. According to the latest stats, the Dumaguete Website Facebook page already has 14 fans. That may not seem like much, when compared to sites like creativeminorityreport (one of my personal favorites) but I appreciate the fans I have.

Now, I have to keep up the work.

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