Saturday, December 12, 2020

All in a Day's Work

The photos at the beginning of this post are of a bicycle powered transport common in Sibulan, known locally as a putt-putt. I took the photos while out on my morning walk today, and upon arriving back home, I posted the photos onto my Facebook page, along with the words -

Next time you feel like your job sucks, just be thankful you don't have to drive a putt putt for a living.

I didn't receive many reactions to the photos and editorial comment, perhaps because my American friends don't quite understand what's involved in getting about on a putt-putt.

Later, while on an errand in Sibulan proper, I saw quite a few putt-putts conveying passengers (and a few in between fares). Naturally, I couldn't resist taking more photos.

I feel it's worth mentioning that, at the times these photos were taken, the outdoor temperature was 86° Fahrenheit (30° Celsius). I was pretty damn well hot driving my car with the windows down - I can only imagine peddling this contraption, with riders no less.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
