Saturday, February 07, 2015

Further Modifications.

Yesterday, I began to make changes to the Dumaguete Website following some of the suggestions from Google Webmaster Tools.

After a bit of trial and error, I was able to alter the index page to suit viewers using Androids. I wasn't completely happy with the page as seen from a desktop PC, but I was willing to compromise one for the other.

A problem arose when I looked at the site using Google Chrome, rather than Firefox. The Home page was a disaster.

I had to go back again, and try to make changes that would work on both browsers.

Some of the web pages will be more difficult modifying for viewing on mobiles; particular the pen pal websites. It's recommend that the buttons on a webpage should be large enough to accommodate fingers on a mobile phone screen. That was easy enough on a page with relatively few buttons, but the pen pal page, as it's designed, has 35 buttons.

I'll have to give serious thought to how I'll set up the new page.

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