Friday, May 04, 2007

Buttons in the Dumaguete website

The website is a work in progress;I suppose it always will be.As anyone who's been to the site can see,I've not had any formal training in web design and I'm learning as I go.With a limited budget and practically no web design tools,I've had to get by with what I can get free of the Internet.I've not been satisfied with the links in the index page......the photos with the font beneath.I've wanted to have "buttons" instead but had no idea how to create them.I've assumed they were images and keep looking for some way to do it that way.Today,I finally found a tutorial site that explained how it's done.I've put the new buttons on the index page,but as of this writing, I've haven't made the same changes to any of the other pages.
The buttons on that page work OK and I think I can reproduce one here. We'll see.

1 comment:

Corey said...

Hello "Fred" ;)

Just have to say I was looking through some of your scam e-mail experiences. Funny stuff!

I did respond to one some years ago, but never heard back.